Francis Bellamy Biography - Edward Bellamy, Rex Curry exposing Nazi salutes, Socialism, Fasc...
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Lies My Teacher Told Me: Swastikas, Nazis, Pledge of Allegiance Lies Exposed by Rex Curry an...
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LIBERAL FASCISM: the Secret History of American Nazism exposed by Dr. Rex Curry: Swastikas =...
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Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds Today: Swastikas, Nazis, Pledge of...
by Tinny, Ian, Club, Dead, Bar...
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LIES and the LYING LIARS who tell them: Nazis, Swastikas, Pledge of Allegiance (exposed by D...
by Tinny, Ian, Writers, Dead, ...
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THIRD REICH - Swastikas were "S" letters for "SOCIALIST" - the USA's Pledge of Allegiance wa...
by Tinny, Ian, Institute, Poin...
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World History 1/8: Anarchaeology, Misanthropology, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, ...
by Barnetti, Micky, Crypto, Ma...
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